2. exHMAS Brisbane - OW - Leo - Commercial


Sun 29 Jan 2017 09:00 — 18:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Where? exHMAS Brisbane - OW - Leo - Commercial

When? 29th January 9:00am-6:00pm meeting at the shed.

Hey everybody! I'm organizing a surreal dive to the exHMAS Brisbane on the 29th of January. The exHMAS is a dive wreck off Mooloolaba that has been engulfed by sponges and both hard and soft corals hosting over 200 fish species that haunt.. i mean fill the empty rooms.  There's even a resident Nemo settled on the bow.  Sightings of mega fauna such as turtles, rays, groupers etc. are also not uncommon. So come aboard to battle some damselfish and explore a little piece of history!


A bit on dive planning-

This dive welcomes both advanced and open water divers as there is plenty to see at depths between 11m and 28m.   The highest point of the wreck is at 11m with the main deck sitting at 18m and a gundeck in between.  The deepest point is ~28m.  This is a double dive so remember to go your deepest on the first one to get the most out of the second! Also make sure to remain within your certification and personal abilities etc... Below you can see a more detailed map of the wreck.  The lovely people at Sunreef also know everything about this wreck and can offer suggestions too.  


The total cost of the double dive trip will be $130 per person.

If you would like to dive with Nitrox it is provided at no additional charge.

Also you will need to come to the trip briefing on Thursday the 26th January at the Unidive shed.
