Straddie weekend - Downunder - OW / EXP - Andy
Fri 21 Feb 2025 16:00 — Sun 23 Feb 2025 21:00
Event information
This event is full.
Hello Divers,
I'm organising a weekend diving trip Stradbroke Island on 22-24 February. We will be taking Downunder on the ferry, which will be a first for the club. Half of the spots will be for divers who meet EXP requirements, the other spots will be open to divers who meet OW requirements, as the boat will be going out twice each day. On this trip will meet some new dive buddies, consume some excellent food, and have an experience you will remember for the rest of your life! Here is a description of where we are going:
Straddie as the island is fondly called by locals, with its white beaches and the legendary Gelati at Point Lookout makes a great weekend away. The main attractions are the great dive sites - Flat Rock, Boat Rock, Shag Rock and Manta Bommie. With countless fish, corals and other creatures an amazing underwater world opens up for everyone who gets there. In summer diving with manta rays and in winter with grey nurse sharks and humpback whales is a must, not to forget the pygmy mantas, eagle rays, leopard sharks, octopus, turtles and other locals that can be found here all year around. The depth ranges from 10-30 m and opens up these weekends to all levels of divers.
The plan (which is subject to change):
Thursday 20 February: Pre-trip meeting at 6:30 pm at the shed, loading gear into the three cars and the boat, and finalising logistics.
Friday 21 February: Meet at Stradbroke Ferry at 5:30 pm for a 6 pm departure. If you're late, we promise to wave to you from the ferry :)
Saturday 22 February: First group of divers departs Ken's house at 5:30 for a 6 am launch from Amity Jetty, returning at 11:30 am. Second group meets first group and launches by 12 pm, returning at approximately 5:30 pm. We'll all eat dinner together at about 6:30 pm
Sunday 23 February: Same diving routine as Saturday. We will take the 7 pm ferry back to Cleveland, then drive back to the shed to unload and wash the boat, finishing about 10 pm.
Cars for ride-sharing to get to the ferry terminal and from the ferry back to the shed are required. Three cars will be going across on the ferry and the cost of the ferry will be shared across all participants. Accommodation at Ken’s place is best described as back-packer dorm style, and you will need to supply your own sheets, sleeping bag, pillow, towel, etc. A food kitty will be in operation for the trip from Saturday breakfast to Sunday lunch. Friday dinner is not supplied. Please note any dietary requirements when signing up.
Dive gear is your responsibility. We will be packing tanks and weights onto the boat on Thursday night, but you need to make sure you bring everything else.
Please note, only the first 12 people who register will be guaranteed the option of a bed, as Ken has just one house available. After the first 12, the remaining people will have the option of camping, sleeping on a sofa, or finding a room in a local hostel. Obviously, the cost of the weekend will vary depending on the accommodation, but we suspect that costs are probably going to be around $320 which will include the boat maintenance contribution, air fills, a share of the ferry, fuel and food costs, and accommodation at Kens (less if you camp, but more if you go to a hostel). As the shared costs would increase if anyone drops out, we will be asking for an $80 deposit, which would be refundable if the trip was cancelled, or if you pulled out, we found a diver to replace you.
If you have any questions about the trip, please email